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"I Have A Dream"

(The following excerpt is from the book "God In A Brothel")

The following paragraph was written by author Daniel Walker and was inspired by Martin Luther King Jr's speech " I Have A Dream" on August 28th 1963. We at Gifts of Grace share Daniel Walker's hope and dreams for the future!

God In A Brothel by Daniel Walker

" I have a dream that one day good men and women will rise up and live out the promises they made when their nations leaders signed global conventions on their behalf, stating that they would take all measures to protect children from all forms of exploitation.

I have a dream that one day courtrooms of justice all over the world, former sex slaves will sit across from those who so brutally profited from their shame, and in speaking the truth, find courage, healing and freedom.

I have a dream that one day even the internet, a medium sizzling with the heat of depravity and the profits of oppression, will be transformed into a sanctuary of hope and an underground of dignified resistance.

I have a dream that children born into brothels will one day live in a world where they will not be assessed by the revenues eyes of a predator but will be protected by the strength of courageous men and women who have no greater ambition in life. I have a dream that one day corrupt cops, greedy judges and complicit lawyers will submit to the hard evidence gathered by those yet simple yet determined individuals working in the struggle to stop rape-for-profit markets from flourishing further.

Gifts of Grace seeks to prevent sex trafficking and exploitation in the Dominican Republic

I have a dream that small teams of such men and women from all walks of life will use their combined skills and resources to invade the darkest brothels on earth, documenting every abuse and acting on every complaint, persevering until someone, somewhere, intervenes.

I have a dream that churches around the world will come alive with a passion for justice and a hatred for evil, that their goals would no longer be centered around revival or church growth, but the freedom of humanity from all that enslaves and oppresses.

And in doing so, I have a dream that the church would be beautiful, a bride fit for her Bridegroom when He returns to establish His kingdom on earth and end all forms of slavery and oppression forever."

Walker, Daniel. God In a Brothel. Illinois: Intervarsity, 2011. Print.

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